Brussels sprouts recipes from EAT SMARTER
Long the bane of picky eaters everywhere, brussel sprouts have transformed from the boring health food your mom always pushed on you as a kid to one of the most popular vegetables around. Much of that has to do with new ways chefs have begun experimenting with this delicious and versatile vegetable. For far too long boiling was the go-to method for cooking the cabbage-like morsels, which yielded a mushy texture and unpleasant odor. However in recent years, there’s been a shift towards roasting, sauteing and even frying brussel sprouts, all methods which bring out the vegetable’s nutty, delicious savory flavor in exciting and different ways. Brussel sprouts are a forgiving vegetable as well, making them fun to experiment with in the kitchen. Check out all of our EAT SMARTER! brussel sprout recipes below.