Roast Beef Fillet and Hollandaise with Herbs

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Roast Beef Fillet and Hollandaise with Herbs
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Health Score:
75 / 100
45 min.
ready in 1 hr 40 min.
Ready in

Nutritional values

1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie695 cal.(33 %)
Protein44 g(45 %)
Fat53 g(46 %)
Carbohydrates11 g(7 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage4.1 g(14 %)
Vitamin A0.7 mg(88 %)
Vitamin D1.4 μg(7 %)
Vitamin E6 mg(50 %)
Vitamin K186.7 μg(311 %)
Vitamin B₁0.4 mg(40 %)
Vitamin B₂0.5 mg(45 %)
Niacin17.3 mg(144 %)
Vitamin B₆1.2 mg(86 %)
Folate101 μg(34 %)
Pantothenic acid3.7 mg(62 %)
Biotin19.9 μg(44 %)
Vitamin B₁₂3.7 μg(123 %)
Vitamin C104 mg(109 %)
Potassium980 mg(25 %)
Calcium106 mg(11 %)
Magnesium67 mg(22 %)
Iron6.3 mg(42 %)
Iodine19 μg(10 %)
Zinc8.7 mg(109 %)
Saturated fatty acids27.6 g
Uric acid271 mg
Cholesterol386 mg
Complete sugar5 g


For the fillet
1 kilogram Beef fillet (ready to cook)
salt (and)
freshly ground peppers
2 Tbsps vegetable oil
For the topping
4 slices day-old Toast
2 Tbsps finely chopped Fresh herbs (such as thyme and parsley)
1 egg yolk
2 Tbsps olive oil
For the vegetables
600 grams Broccoli
250 grams Cherry tomatoes
3 Tbsps butter
For the herb hollandaise
200 grams butter
3 egg yolks
2 Tbsps dry white wine
1 Tbsp lemon juice
cayenne pepper
2 Tbsps finely chopped Fresh herbs (such as tarragon and chervil)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Broccoliolive oilsaltcayenne pepper

Preparation steps


Preheat the convection oven to 160°C (approximately 325°F). Rinse the meat, pat dry, trim and season with salt and pepper. In a pan with hot oil, brown all sides.

For the topping, remove the crust from the bread and cut into very small cubes. Mix with the herbs, egg yolk and the oil. Apply to fillet, press into the surface and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes.


For the vegetables, rinse the broccoli and blanch in boiling salted water for about 4 minutes until al dente. Rinse in cold water and drain. Rinse and halve the tomatoes. Swirl in a pan with melted butter and season with salt.

For the Hollandaise, melt the butter in a pot. Beat the egg yolks and the white wine in a bowl over a hot water bath until creamy, remove from the heat and add the melted butter gradually. Continue stirring until the sauce has thickened.


Season the hollandaise sauce with lemon juice, salt and cayenne pepper, then mix in the herbs. Remove the meat from the oven and let it rest briefly. Cut into slices and serve with the vegetables and sauce.