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{{amazon_product asin="B00AAJRPZY" view_mode="small" product_text="Premier Protein 30g Protein Shakes" button_type="button2" inline_text=""}}



Proven Ways to Maintain Weight Loss
Weight loss maintenance requires as much if not more vigilance as the weight loss process. Learn why...
What to Eat Before a Workout
It is always important to eat before a workout. Ever tried driving a car without gas? Yeah, it will not go very far. It is the same with your body. Food provides the energy that fuels our muscles. If you have not eaten, you will not have any fuel for your workout.
Best Foods for Muscle Building
In order to build muscle, it is essential that your body gets the nutrients it needs. These nutrients enter our bodies through the foods we eat.
10 Facts about EMS Training
Leaner and more defined in 20 minutes – this is the promise EMS training makes.


The Best High-Protein Foods!
EAT SMARTER will give you the latest on protein-packed foods.
High Protein Diet
What exactly does a high-protein diet entail, and is it an effective way to lose weight?


Baked Ham & Mushroom Pizza Toasts recipe
Quick and Easy

25 mins

186 calories

Grilled Squid recipe
EatSmarter exclusive recipe

40 mins

245 calories

Baked Salmon with Lemon recipe

60 mins

341 calories

Italian Bean and Tuna Salad recipe
EatSmarter exclusive recipe

780 mins

400 calories

Trout Tartare recipe
EatSmarter exclusive recipe

25 mins

218 calories

Pizza with Smoked Salmon recipe
Protein-Packed Lunch

50 mins

773 calories



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{{amazon_product asin="B00OJ9FEAE" view_mode="small" product_text="Quest Nutrition Protein Chips, BBQ" button_type="button3" inline_text=""}}


Protein Related articles

Ancient Grains of the World, and How to Add them to your Diet
Ancient grains have been growing in popularity in the last few decades. You can now find them stocked in traditional grocery stores and popping up on the menus of restaurants across the world. These grains often have a long and storied history, having been consumed and cultivated for thousands of years in various countries before their ultimate popularity in the modern world.
Sheep, Goat, Cow: Which Animal Milk is the Healthiest?
Sheep, goat, or cow dairy? Is one healthier for you than the other? Did you even know you had the choice? Most of the dairy products we see at the local grocery market in the US come from cows, but the markets for sheep and goat dairy products have been slowly growing in recent years.
Sushi: Low In Calories And Healthy
You can find sushi at that little inexpensive restaurant down the street as well as that elegant 5 star Japanese restaurant. Sushi has become extremely popular and most people are familiar with it. However, few people actually know anything about sushi traditions, how many calories it has and how healthy it is. EAT SMARTER gives you Sushi 101.
Best Foods for an Energy Boost
Want more energy now? It is a simple question with a rather obvious answer because of course, we all want to feel more energized! That just leaves us to wonder how to make more energy now a possibility.


High Protein - Everything You Need to Know

Protein can be a fantastic source for fueling up for energy and helping you build more muscle. Regardless of the reason, Eat Smarter is here to help you find your next favorite protein meal with our recipes and cookbooks, that can be perfectly tailored to your dietary needs and lifestyle. So go on and browse through those protein meals and save it to your cookbook and share it with your friends

Benefits of Eating More Protein

If you are trying to build and tone your muscles, work out frequently, and want to feel more energized, you should be sure to add more protein to your diet. With all sorts of fun meals and diets, there are more ways you can add protein to your diet without all the effort. From Protein shakes, powder, to even pancakes, you can add more protein to your diet in no time!