Spinach Salad with Avocado, Corn and Peppers

Preparation steps
Shuck corn and remove silks. Bring plenty of water to a boil in a pot, season with salt and pour in the sugar. Add corn and simmer about 15 minutes. Remove from pot, drain and cut ears into 2-3 cm (approximately 1-inch) wide pieces.
Preheat the grill.
Rinse bell peppers, cut in half, remove seeds and white ribs. Cut into large pieces.
Brush the corn pieces with butter and place on the hot grill. Season the bell pepper with pepper, drizzle with a little oil and put on the hot grill. Cook, turning occasionally until golden brown.
Rinse the spinach, trim and spin dry. Cut avocados in half, remove pits, gently push the flesh from the peel and cut into wedges. Mix with spinach and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Mix bell peppers and corn into spinach, arrange on a platter, drizzle with olive oil and serve.