Mate Tea

Healthy, because
Even smarter
Mate tea contains more caffeine than black or green tea or even coffee. It therefore wakes us up and gets our whole body going. Containing tanning agents strengthen this effect at least for our digestion.
Mate tea has become a questionable stimulant for many people because it can interact with some medications. Antidepressants, circulation stimulants, asthma, and cardiac arrhythmia medications are particularly critical.
A calabash is required for the traditional preparation of Mate Tea. This is a hollowed-out pumpkin from South America. If you don't have a calabash, simply put the mate tea in a disposable tea bag and pour 1 liter of boiling water over it. Mate tea does not become bitter and can therefore be poured over several times.

Preparation steps
The traditional preparation of mate tea is done in a hollowed calabash. A calabash is a pumpkin from South America. Fill the gourd 1/3 with the tea and slowly pour in boiling water. Let steep for 5-10 minutes, depending on the strength that is desired. Transfer the tea into a teapot or thermos.
If not using a calabash, you can fill the tea into a disposable tea bag and mix with 34 ounces of boiling water. Mate tea isn't bitter and can be repeatedly used.