Roast Vegetable-Stuffed Chicken and Potatoes

Preparation steps
Preheat the oven to 200°C (approximately 400°F).
Rinse the onion, zucchini and garlic and chop finely. Rinse and finely chop the tomatoes and pluck the herbs from the stalks. Combine the finely chopped vegetables with half of the herb mixture.
Rinse the chicken, pat dry and season inside and out with salt and pepper. Stuff the vegetable mixture into the cavity of the chicken and truss with kitchen twine.
Rub the chicken skin with olive oil and pepper. Place breast-side down in a large roasting pan and cook 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut into wedges. Slice the lemons.
Remove the chicken from the oven, sprinkle with salt, turn breast-side up and baste with the pan juices.
Turn the potatoes in the pan juice and place around the chicken. Return to the oven and continue to cook. After about 20 minutes brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add the remaining herbs and lemon slices to the roasting pan. Roast 30-50 minutes more, occasionally basting the potatoes with the pan juices.
To test for doneness, insert a skewer between leg and breast. If the leaking juices run clear, the chicken is cooked. The potatoes are done when they are tender but not mushy.
Remove the kitchen twine, serve the chicken in the roasting dish or place on a plate with the potatoes, vegetables and pan juices.
Serve pan juices (with fat skimmed) separately in a gravy boat.