Trying to keep your meals and snacks to 100 calories or less? We have an amazing collection of soups to satisfy every craving yet help keep you on track when counting calories!
20 mins
45 mins
with Sliced Almonds
10 mins
25 mins
99 calories
15 mins
267 calories
with Yogurt and Basil
75 mins
80 calories
and Harissa
30 mins
50 mins
95 calories
96 calories
with yogurt
140 mins
55 calories
35 mins
83 calories
with Asparagus Dumplings and Chervil
60 mins
100 calories
with Scallions
187 calories
40 mins
91 calories
78 calories
94 calories
with Minted Yogurt
98 calories
14 calories
with Scallions and Ginger
145 mins