Udon Noodle Soup with Shrimp and Spinach

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Udon Noodle Soup with Shrimp and Spinach
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35 min.


1 egg
100 grams Pastry flour
400 milliliters vegetable oil
100 grams Spinach
50 grams Snow peas
8 cooked shrimp
1 thin sprig Leeks
400 grams Udon Noodle
1 l Dashi (Broth from the glass)
160 milliliters soy sauce
2 Tbsps Rice wine (Mirin)
2 tsps sugar
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Leeksoy sauceSpinachSnow peasugaregg

Preparation steps


In a bowl, whisk together the egg and 100 ml (approximately 1/2 cup) of water, stir in the flour until smooth. Heat the oil in a pan, working in batches, slowly push the egg-flour mixture through a large sieve into the hot oil. Cook about 1 minute, remove with a slotted spoon, drain and set aside.

Rinse and clean the spinach and blanch in a pot of boiling salted water for 3 minutes, drain.


Rinse the snow peas, remove their strings and blanch in a pot of boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Trim the ends of the leek, cut into thin rings and rinse well.

Cook the noodles according to package directions, drain. Heat the dashi in a saucepan.


In a small saucepan, bring the soy sauce, mirin and sugar to a boil and stir into the simmering dashi, remove from the heat. Divide the noodles among four large soup bowls, add the fried batter, shrimp, leeks and spinach and pour the hot broth over.

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