Fish and Shrimp Shepherd's Pie

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Fish and Shrimp Shepherd's Pie
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Health Score:
75 / 100
40 min.
ready in 1 hr 50 min.
Ready in

Nutritional values

1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie653 cal.(31 %)
Protein50 g(51 %)
Fat32 g(28 %)
Carbohydrates36 g(24 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage6.4 g(21 %)
Vitamin A2.5 mg(313 %)
Vitamin D1.2 μg(6 %)
Vitamin E11.8 mg(98 %)
Vitamin K59.1 μg(99 %)
Vitamin B₁0.4 mg(40 %)
Vitamin B₂0.8 mg(73 %)
Niacin17 mg(142 %)
Vitamin B₆1.1 mg(79 %)
Folate117 μg(39 %)
Pantothenic acid1.4 mg(23 %)
Biotin11.9 μg(26 %)
Vitamin B₁₂5.1 μg(170 %)
Vitamin C55 mg(58 %)
Potassium1,554 mg(39 %)
Calcium329 mg(33 %)
Magnesium153 mg(51 %)
Iron2.7 mg(18 %)
Iodine173 μg(87 %)
Zinc3.7 mg(46 %)
Saturated fatty acids15.8 g
Uric acid252 mg
Cholesterol272 mg
Complete sugar13 g


400 grams Sweet potato
1 stalk Leeks
2 carrots
1 garlic clove
400 grams fish fillets (ready to cook, skinless, z. B. salmon, cod, wolffish)
400 grams shrimp (ready to cook, peeled and deveined)
2 Tbsps olive oil
1 Tbsp Pastry flour
50 milliliters dry white wine
250 milliliters fish stock
150 milliliters Whipped cream
peppers (from the mill)
100 milliliters lukewarm milk
3 Tbsps freshly grated Cheese (such as Gouda)
2 Tbsps butter
Nutmeg (freshly grated)
2 Tbsps freshly chopped parsley
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Sweet potatoLeekWhipped creamolive oilparsleysalt

Preparation steps


Scrub and peel the potatoes and cook in a pot of boiling salted water until knife-tender, 25 to 30 minutes.


Rinse the leeks under cold water until all dirt is removed, cut lengthwise, and cut into thin rings. Peel the carrot and cut into thin slices. Peel the garlic and finely chop. Rinse the shrimp and the fish, pat dry, and cut the fish fillets into bite-size pieces. In a hot pan with oil, saute the garlic until just fragrant  ​Add the remaining vegetables and saute until softened. Sprinkle the flour evenly over the vegetables, add the wine and the stock, and stir well, making sure there are no lumps. Add the cream, the fish and the shrimp.  Stir well and season with salt and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce to medium heat and simmer about 10 minutes. 


Drain the potatoes and press through a ricer or mash. Place the mashed potatoes in a bowl and stir in the milk, cheese and butter. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Place the potatoes into a piping bag with a fluted tip.


Preheat the oven to 200°C (395°F) top and bottom heat.


Add the parsley to the filling, season again if needed and place the filling in a baking dish in an even layer. Pipe the mashed potatoes evenly over the top of the filling, make sure the filling is completely covered. Bake for about 40 minutes.


Serve warm with carrots and peas if desired.