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Creamy Prawn Chowder
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45 min.
- Ingredients
- 14 ozs Fennel
- 1 small Sweet potato
- 1 shallot
- 1 clove garlic cloves (small)
- 2 Tbsps butter
- 1 cup fish stock
- ⅞ cup vegetable stock
- ¼ cup cream
- salt
- peppers
- 1 pinch chili peppers
- 1 cup Prawn (frozen, ready to cook)
- Pernod
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Preparation steps
Wash the fennel bulbs and cut away the stalks and roots. Quarter the bulbs, cut out the hard core and cut the rest into bite-sized pieces.
Peel and dice the sweet potato and cook in the vegetable stock for about 20 minutes, until soft.
Peel and finely chop the shallots and garlic. Heat the butter in a large pan and sweat the shallots and fennel, stirring, until translucent. Then add the garlic. Stir in the fish stock, put a lid on the pan and cook for about 20 minutes, until the fennel is tender. Put 1/3 of the soup into a liquidiser and liquidise to a very fine puree. Then return to the rest of the soup. Add the sweet potato and the stock it was cooked in. Stir in the cream. Add the prawns and cook the soup gently without a lid for 3 to 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Add a few drops of Pernod to taste and serve the soup in small bowls.
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