Berry Pudding Gateau

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Berry pudding gateau
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4 h.
ready in 8 h. 20 min.
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For the meringue
4 egg whites
¼ tsp cream of tartar
1 pinch salt
1 cup caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
For the orange filling
½ cup sugar
3 Tbsps Corn starch
1 pinch salt
1 tsp grated Orange zest
¾ cup Orange juice
2 Tbsps lemon juice
2 large egg yolks
For the raspberry mousse
6 ½ cups Raspberries
½ cup caster sugar
¼ cup water
4 tsps Powdered gelatine
2 cups cream (48% fat)
To decorate
powdered sugar
11 Raspberries
1 cup caster sugar
How healthy are the main ingredients?
RaspberryOrange juicesugarsaltRaspberry

Preparation steps

For the meringue: heat the oven to 140°C (120° fan). Grease a deep 23-24cm| 9-9 1/2" springform cake tin and line the base with non-stick baking paper. Line a baking tray with non-stck baking paper and draw a 23cm circle.
Whisk the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar with an electric whisk until firm. Gradually whisk in the sugar in a thin stream and continue to whisk at low speed until all the sugar is fully mixed in. Whisk in the vanilla.
Using a large spoon and palette knife spoon half the meringue mixture into the tin and half onto the baking tray, making a large circle.
Place in the oven and bake for 2 hours until dry, firm and crisp. Cool completely in the switched off oven with the door slightly open.
For the orange filling: whisk together the sugar, cornflour and salt.
Whisk together the orange zest, the juice, and egg yolks until blended. Whisk into the sugar mixture and put into a pan. Heat gently and bring to a boil, whisking. Cook gently, whisking, for 2 minutes, then leave to cool, whisking occasionally.
Spread 3/4 of the orange filling on the meringue disc in the tin.
For the mousse: puree the raspberries with the sugar until smooth. Press though a sieve and pour into a pan. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes until reduced by 1/3. Pour into a bowl.
Sprinkle the gelatine over a small bowl or cup of water. Stand for 5 minutes.
Stir into the raspberry mixture until melted. Chill for 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
Whisk the cream until thick and gradually fold into the raspberry mixture.
Spoon into the tin and freeze for 4 hours.
Place the remaining meringue disc on top and sift over icing sugar.
Place teaspoonfuls of the remaining orange filling around the top and place a raspberry on top.
Melt the sugar in a frying pan over a medium heat until deep golden. Do not stir.
Remove from the heat and use a fork to flick back and forth over the back of a tablespoon. Set aside to cool and set, then carefully twist off of the spoon. Repeat with the remaining melted sugar and place on the the torte as in the photo.

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