
- Ingredients
- 1 ⅕ kilograms Beef (haunch)
- 1 l Beef broth
- ½ l White vinegar
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 cloves
- 6 mashed Juniper berries
- 1 tsp black peppercorns
- 1 bunch Soup vegetables
- salt
- freshly ground pepper
- 2 Tbsps clarified butter
- 2 pcs Gingerbread cookie (or gingerbread)
- 50 grams Pumpernickel bread
Preparation steps
Rinse and trim the soup vegetables. Peel and chop as needed.
Rinse the meat and pat dry. Bring the broth, vinegar, herbs, spices, and chopped soup vegetables to a boil.
Let the liquid cool, then add the meat and marinate for 3-4 days. Mix repeatedly during the marination time.
Remove the meat from the marinade, pat dry, and season with salt and pepper. Brown the meat in a pan with hot butter. Add the soup vegetables, half of the marinade, the gingerbread, and the pumpernickel. Cover and simmer in a 160°C (approximately 320°F) oven for 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Baste with the remaining marinade occasionally.
Remove the meat from the pot. Puree the sauce then pass through a fine strainer. Cut the meat into slices, sprinkle with shaved almonds, and serve with the sauce.