Beef Soup with with Chestnuts and Spaetzle

- Ingredients
- 800 grams Ribeye Steak
- salt
- 1 small Celery root
- 500 grams potatoes
- 1 bunch parsley
- 200 grams Chestnuts (cooked, vacuum packed)
- 200 grams onions
- 50 grams butter
- 400 grams
- granulated Broth (to taste)
Preparation steps
Rinse the meat. Place the meat in a large saucepan or Dutch oven and pour 2 liters (approximately 68 ounces) of cold water over the meat and stir in 1 teaspoon salt. The meat must be completely covered with water. Bring to a boil and skim off the foam that comes to the surface. Reduce to a simmer and cook over medium for 2 hours.
Meanwhile, rinse and peel the celery root and potatoes and cut both into 1 cm (approximately 3/8-inch) cubes. Cut the chestnuts in half.
Rinse the parsley, shake dry pluck the leaves and chop. Peel the onions and cut into thin rings. Heat the butter in a pan and saute the onions until golden brown, stirring constantly over medium heat.
Add the celery and diced potatoes to the pot with the meat, 30 minutes before the end of cooking and if necessary, skim again.
When the meat is tender, cut the meat off the bones and cut into bite-size cubes. Return the meat to the broth, add the spaetzle and chestnuts and simmer until the spaetzle is cooked. Season to taste with granulated broth.
Serve garnished with the onion and parsley sprinkled.