578 articles

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Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain
Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain
Sitting at the office all day and strenuous workouts can have a harsh impact on our bodies, but the good news is that just a few simple yoga poses can help relieve some of that pain and stiffness.
EatSmarter! Walking Challenge
EatSmarter! Walking Challenge
My Whole30 Journey
My Whole30 Journey
This past September I finally found the willpower (or courage might be more accurate) to try the Whole30 diet.
Fresh vs. Frozen: Which is better?
Fresh vs. Frozen: Which is better?
Fresh vs. frozen continues to be a debate between many people in the food community. Which one is really better for your health?
Choosing Sustainable Seafood
Choosing Sustainable Seafood
Fish has been a popular protein choice for many years, but how is it's popularity affecting our oceans and what can we do to help?
Best Foods for an Energy Boost
Best Foods for an Energy Boost
Want more energy now? It is a simple question with a rather obvious answer because of course, we all want to feel more energized!
Best Foods for Brain Health
Best Foods for Brain Health
It’s not something we often think about, but what you eat affects your brain’s ability to function.
Morning v. Night: When is the best time to workout?
Morning v. Night: When is the best time to workout?
Have you ever wondered if there is any scientific evidence about whether one time of the day is better than the other?
Home Remedies for Healthy Hair
Home Remedies for Healthy Hair
The hair industry is overwhelming us with a ton of new hair products every year, but did you know that you can find everything you need for healthy hair in your own kitchen?
Dangerous Diet Trends to Avoid
Dangerous Diet Trends to Avoid
Diet trends are continuously coming and going as our society seems to be more and more concerned with their outer appearance and look for the next quick fix. But, these quick fix diets are not only unhealthy, they can be dangerous.
Choosing Healthy Carbs for Weight Loss
Choosing Healthy Carbs for Weight Loss
Carbs are often seen as the biggest enemy when it comes to weight loss, but are they really all that bad?
Eat for Health without Sacrificing your Favorite Foods
Eat for Health without Sacrificing your Favorite Foods
Many of us want to eat healthily and improve our health through diet, but sometimes it seems quite limited when we try to figure out our diet and foods that work with it.
What are Functional Foods?
What are Functional Foods?
In the 1980s the Japanese government decided to claim some foods as ‘functional foods’. Certain foods, either conventional or modified, were said to have additional health benefits beyond their basic nutrition.
Losing Weight with Superfoods
Losing Weight with Superfoods
What are superfoods? Can they help you lose weight? We will help you navigate these questions throughout the course of this article.
What is Tamarind?
What is Tamarind?
The long, weirdly shaped pods that contain tamarind fruit may look a little strange but the fruit actually contains many health benefits and is a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet.
The Essential Turkey Handbook
The Essential Turkey Handbook
The complete guide to all things turkey for a delicious and stress-free Thanksgiving feast.
A Guide to Intuitive Eating
A Guide to Intuitive Eating
Listening to your body is a great way to eat healthy without completely cutting out some of your favorites, learn how intuitive eating can help you EatSmarter!
Sheep, Goat, Cow: Which Animal Milk is the Healthiest?
Sheep, Goat, Cow: Which Animal Milk is the Healthiest?
Sheep, goat, or cow dairy? Is one healthier for you than the other? Did you even know you had the choice?
How to Brine a Turkey
How to Brine a Turkey
Everything you need to know about brining a turkey.
How to Stuff a Turkey
How to Stuff a Turkey
How to Roast a Turkey
How to Roast a Turkey
The surest path to turkey perfection: roasting in the oven.
Best Foods for Muscle Building
Best Foods for Muscle Building
In order to build muscle, it is essential that your body gets the nutrients it needs. These nutrients enter our bodies through the foods we eat.
How to Carve a Turkey
How to Carve a Turkey
Carve a turkey with a few easy steps.
The Essential Dessert Handbook
The Essential Dessert Handbook
Pie is a must for Thanksgiving, but there are other delicious sweets that are just as welcome at the holiday table.
What is Bone Broth?
What is Bone Broth?
Does this trendy food actually live up to of the hype? Read on to find out more...
The Benefits of Flaxseeds
The Benefits of Flaxseeds
They may not look all that exciting, but the health benefits of flaxseeds far surpass their tiny stature.
How To Make Pie Dough Like a Pro
How To Make Pie Dough Like a Pro
Making pie dough is one baking's most gratifying experiences.
How to Prime Pie Crust
How to Prime Pie Crust
Rolling out pie dough is a labor of love (emphasis on love). Working quickly is key.
Sides that Steal the Show
Sides that Steal the Show
There's the turkey, and then there's all the rest: sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and more.