578 articles

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Are Cheat Days a Good Idea?
Are Cheat Days a Good Idea?
How do you keep up with your diet? Are cheat days a good idea? Or are they a quagmire that will halt your progress and suck you into their vortex of empty calorie consumption?
Cleanse Diets: Effective Weight Loss or Harmful Trend?
Cleanse Diets: Effective Weight Loss or Harmful Trend?
Is a cleanse diet a tool for effective weight loss or is it a potentially harmful trend?
6 Simple Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving
6 Simple Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving
This meal does not have to derail your healthy eating habits, in fact, you can enjoy your Thanksgiving favorites with a few easy tips.
How to Make Healthy Choices when Eating Out
How to Make Healthy Choices when Eating Out
Eating healthy does not have to be just an at home thing. You can still eat out and make healthy choices.
How Working Out with a Partner Helps you both Reach your Goals
How Working Out with a Partner Helps you both Reach your Goals
Is it better to work out alone or with a partner? That is ultimately for you to decide, but we have provided some advice on how working out with a partner can help you both reach your fitness goals.
Low-Fat v. Full-Fat Dairy: Which one is actually healthier?
Low-Fat v. Full-Fat Dairy: Which one is actually healthier?
Low-fat dairy has long been touted as a pillar of the healthy diet. Many dietary guidelines recommend one to two servings of low-fat dairy per day. However, full-fat dairy has recently stolen the spotlight.
7 Recipes for Winter Entertaining
7 Recipes for Winter Entertaining
These delicious and cozy recipes are perfect for entertaining this winter, regardless of whether you are hosting 4 people or 14!
Warming Winter Recipes
Warming Winter Recipes
Cozy sweaters, hot cocoa, and warm meals make the winter months more bearable, check out some of our favorite recipes to keep you warm this winter.
What is Butter Coffee?
What is Butter Coffee?
The idea of adding butter to your coffee may sound like a strange way to start your day but for people all over the world, it is just what they need to put a little extra pep in their morning.
Cauliflower Health Benefits
Cauliflower Health Benefits
Cauliflower might be the pale cousin of broccoli, but it is actually bursting with health benefits. In addition, cauliflower is an extremely versatile vegetable that can be transformed into a variety of different dishes.
Ruby-red pomegranate seeds may be small in stature but they pack a big punch, nutrient-wise.
How to Stock a Healthy Kitchen
How to Stock a Healthy Kitchen
Eating healthy starts at the supermarket. Here's what you need to make nutritious meals any day of the week.
So what exactly is the FODMAP diet, and how can you incorporate it into your lifestyle?
The Best Ways to Power Through Jet Lag
The Best Ways to Power Through Jet Lag
How can you minimize the effects of jet lag? Keep reading for EatSmarter’s tips on powering through and minimizing jet lag symptoms!
Healthier Comfort Foods
Healthier Comfort Foods
You can still have your mac and cheese and eat it, too. Here are some tips and tricks for updating long-time favorites to fit within today's healthier lifestyles.
EatSmarter! Gift Guide
EatSmarter! Gift Guide
This gift guide has something for the food lovers, fitness buffs, and health seekers on your list!
How Screens Mess with your Sleep
How Screens Mess with your Sleep
It is hard to disconnect from our screens when we rely on them so heavily for work, communication, and fun. But, keeping using these electronics before bed can have a negative effect on our sleep habits.
Refresh and Recharge: The EatSmarter! Healthy Detox Guide
Refresh and Recharge: The EatSmarter! Healthy Detox Guide
New year, new you: Now's the time to recharge your healthy by hitting the reset button on your diet.
Winter One-Pot Wonders
Winter One-Pot Wonders
Dinner, solved: After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, nothing beats a simple soup, stew or other all-in-one meal that calls for just one pot to prepare. Cleanup is a breeze, too.
What to Eat Before a Workout
What to Eat Before a Workout
It is always important to eat before a workout. Ever tried driving a car without gas? Yeah, it will not go very far. It is the same with your body. Food provides the energy that fuels our muscles. If you have not eaten, you will not have any fuel for your workout.
The Power of Kelp
The Power of Kelp
Most of our vegetables come from our gardens, but what if one super vegetable has been hiding just under our nose, below the surface of the ocean?
The Health Benefits of Matcha
The Health Benefits of Matcha
You can easily find it on the shelves of your local grocery store. Your favorite health blogger and your yoga teacher swear by it. But what exactly is matcha?
The Health Benefits of Oats
The Health Benefits of Oats
Are carbs in or out? Complex carbs can be good for you, keeping you fuller longer and providing your body with lasting fuel. Oats are one of these complex carbs that can yield numerous health benefits.
The Health Benefits of Grapefruit
The Health Benefits of Grapefruit
Love it or hate it, grapefruit is bursting with health benefits, from immune health to cancer prevention, this fruit is a must add to your grocery list!
The Health Benefits of Fennel
The Health Benefits of Fennel
Fennel is one of those vegetables that you either love or hate. But, this often overlooked vegetable is actually full of health benefits that keep your body functioning healthily and happily.
Top 10 Favorite Spring Superfoods
Top 10 Favorite Spring Superfoods
Avocado nutritional info, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Spinach nutritional info, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Papaya nutrition info, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Nutritional info, health benefits and recipes for plums.
Nutritional info, health benefits and exclusive recipes for watermelon.
Walnut nutritional analysis, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Zucchini's distinct flavor and high nutritional value make it an excellent ingredient.
Blueberry nutritional info, health benefits and recipes.
Nutrition info, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Spring Onion (Scallions)
Spring Onion (Scallions)
Spring onion nutritional analysis, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Tomato varieties, nutritional info and recipes.
Garlic nutritional info, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Raspberry nutrition info, health benefits and exclusive recipes.
Mache Lettuce
Mache Lettuce
Nutritional analysis and exclusive recipes for mache lettuce.