Maca is full of health benefits, which is why it’s been used for thousands of years. This powder has the ability to affect your metabolic processes from the cellular level, which is why it is being researched for its impressive nutritional compounds. Maca has been used by Andean warriors centuries ago for its ability to increase strength and stamina, and now is being used by marathoners and cyclists for the same reason! Maca is also packed full of vitamins and minerals that can benefit everyone, from fighting colds to helping you feel energized. Maca is a great nutrient source to incorporate into your diet because of its miraculous health benefits.
1. Health Benefits of Maca
1. Maca Root has been used for thousands of years to improve fertility!
What is fertility?
Fertility is the ability to reproduce. Through aging and other health issues, fertility can begin to decline. However, there are fertility treatments, and with advancing technology this is becoming less of a problem.
How has maca root been used for fertility?
It is estimated that maca root has been used and cultivated as early as 1600 BC, or rather, over 3,000 years ago. Since its cultivation, maca root has been being used to improve fertility in both men and women. However, there is less information on its ability to affect fertility in women. While more research is needed, it has been used for thousands of years to improve fertility in male mammals by raising sperm quality and quantity.
A study on bovine sperm quality showed that when supplemented with powdered maca, sperm quality improved greatly after only a week of supplementation. The study involved 78 breeding bulls that were separated into a group that was given maca, and a control group that was given no supplementations. Over the first 10 week period, male breeding bulls were given maca supplementation, and during the next 10 week period their sperm quality and quantity was tested.
Through testing it showed that the group of bulls supplemented with maca showed a significant improvement in sperm quality. Sperm became more motile, as well as an increase in sperm production.
This study showed that maca improves sperm quality and quantity in male mammals, or at least, cattle.
While more studies need to be done on humans and maca supplementation, it goes to show that there is a reason maca root is thought to improve fertility in male mammals!
EAT SMARTER TAKE AWAY: While more research needs to be done to prove its effect on humans, maca root has been for thousands of years to improve fertility by increasing sperm quality and quantity.
2. Disadvantages of Maca
1. Avoid taking maca root as a supplement if you have high blood pressure!
Why should you avoid maca if you have high blood pressure?
You should consult your doctor before adding maca as a supplement in your diet if you have high blood pressure. While more research needs to be done to confirm that maca can raise your blood pressure, a 2008 study published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal showed that individuals taking maca as a supplement had an overall increase in blood pressure.
Subjects in the study took .6 grams of maca per day over a 90 day period. They showed a moderate AST (aspartate aminotransferase) level and diastolic blood pressure increase.
AST is typically monitored in blood tests to detect liver damage. Your diastolic blood pressure indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is resting in between heart beats. Normal diastolic blood pressure levels are under 80, whereas levels between 80 and 89 indicate prehypertension. Any levels above that indicates high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.
This study showed that people at risk of high blood pressure or high AST levels need to be careful when they are considering the supplementation of maca in their diet.
EAT SMARTER TAKE AWAY: Maca has been shown to increase diastolic blood pressure when taken as a supplement in significant amounts. Those at risk of hypertension should consult a physician before using maca powder as a supplement.
3. Top 100 Maca Recipes
*Fill with recipes*
4. Maca Recipes in Video
Maca powder is a nutritionally dense powder that is a great addition to smoothies and baked goods. This powder adds a malty flavor to drinks in large amounts, but can easily be disguised by other fruits. Maca powder adds a huge boost of vitamins and minerals to a dish, and makes for a perfect healthy addition to any meal. Try some of these maca powder recipes to add a huge boost of nutrition into your life!
5. About Maca
What is maca?
Maca is a herbaceous plant from the cruciferous family. It is native to areas of high elevation and poor soil quality in Peru in the Andes Mountains. The fleshy root is grown for medicinal and dietary reasons. It is related to radishes and turnips, and actually shares many similar characteristics to these roots, including: size, proportions and its growth habits.
This root has been used in South America for thousands of years for its outstanding nutritional properties. It is growing in popularity in other countries, but is difficult to produce and requires transport due to its preference of growing at extremely high altitudes. It is one of the highest altitude growing plants in the world. Maca root grows anywhere from 7,000 to 14,500 feet, which is why it enjoys the climate conditions of the Andes Mountain range.
Maca root is known by the name of ayak chichira, ayak wilku, maca-maca and maino in its native Spanish and Quechua language. The Quechua language is the indigenous language spoken primarily in the Andes. It is native to Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
What kinds of maca can you buy?
There are three different types of maca root that are differentiated by color, and two main forms of maca root powder, however; maca is also commonly eaten baked, roasted or as a fermented drink in South America.
6. Maca Powder vs. Hemp Powder
Maca powder and hemp powder have different nutritional properties, but both rule as superfoods. Maca powder is primarily known for its abilities to affect your libido, increase physical performance, and stabilize hormones… whereas, hemp powder is mainly known for being a good substitute for vegetarians and vegans needing protein. Hemp powder wins out as the more affordable of the two, but we would have to say that maca powder wins for its nutritional benefits.
7. History of Maca
An ancient root packed full of nutrition!
This South American root has been used by ancient warriors to increase their stamina, endurance and athleticism, and it is used today for its same health properties.
Maca’s Namesake
Maca root is known by the name of ayak chichira, ayak wilku, maca-maca and maino in its native Spanish and Quechua language. The Quechua language is the indigenous language spoken primarily in the Andes. It is native to Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Origins of Maca
The Maca plant is native to the high Andes Mountains of Peru. Maca root grows anywhere from 7,000 to 14,500 feet, which is why it enjoys the climate conditions of the Andes Mountain range. Little is known about the actual domestication of the maca plant, however, it is known that it has been used for thousands of years.
3800 BC - Maca is recorded as being collected and cultivated by Peruvian Indians as early as 3800 BC for its nutritional and medicinal uses.
1549 AD - Captain Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer and conquistador, received maca as a gift in exchange for animal husbandry advice in the Peruvian Castille region.
1550 - 1750 AD - It was reported during these dates that nearly nine tons of maca were demanded by colonists from the natives annually.
1553 AD - Pedro Cieza de Leon, a Spanish conquistador and chronicler of Peru, described the Maca root as an integral part of the health and maintenance of the Peruvian people.
1572 AD - The Maca root gained “notoriety” when it began being used for barter and trade by the Chinchaycocha Indians.
1653 AD - Father Cabo documented Maca’s properties, and spoke of it’s impressive abilities to improve fertility and also be a great source of nourishment at high altitudes.
1843 AD - Maca plant was studied by scientists and given its scientific name Lepidium meyenii, Walpers., after the German botanist Gerhard Walpers.
1960’s AD - Maca began to be recognized as one of the “lost crops of the Andes” by the world as it gained popularity as an exported product.
2000 - 2010 - Peru’s export of Maca grew 5x over these ten years and became one of Peru’s top exports.
8. Q&A About Maca
How do you pronounce maca?
Mah - ka.
What does maca taste like?
Some people describe maca as tasting like butterscotch, or as a mix between sweet and bitter.
What is maca related to?
Maca is related to the radish family. It is also related to members of the cruciferous family, including broccoli and cabbage.
Where is maca from?
Maca originates from the Andes mountain range in South America.
Why does maca grow at such high altitudes?
The combination of high altitudes and poor soil quality is perfect for maca to grow. However, maca tends to exhaust nutrients in the soil and needs to be rotated if being farmed for large scale production.
How long does maca powder last in the fridge?
Maca powder will typically last up to 24 months, even stored at room temperature.
Can I freeze maca powder?
Absolutely! It will extend the shelf life of maca powder by at least six months!
Is maca powder gluten free?
Yes! Maca powder is gluten free!
Which color of maca is best?
Supposedly, red maca root contains the highest phytonutrient levels, which makes it the most optimum for a nutrition standpoint. However, we think all of the colors of maca are beneficial for you.
9. Nutritional Information
This is the nutritional information for 100 g of maca powder! (This is much more than the usual serving of maca powder, but just for a guideline!)
Calorie 325 | Calories from Fat 18 |
Total Fat 3.6g | 5% |
Saturated Fat 0g | 0% |
Polyunsaturated fat 0.0g | |
Monounsaturated fat 0.0g | |
Cholestorol 0mg | 0% |
Sodium 17.9mg | 1% |
Potassium 2000mg | 57% |
Total Carbohydrate 71.4g | 24% |
Dietary Fiber 7.1g | 29% |
Sugars 32.1g | |
Protein 14.3g | 29% |
Riboflavin 21% | Vitamin C 475% |
Vitamin B6 57% | Niacin 29% |
10. Research
Clement, C. "Effect of Maca Supplementation on Bovine Sperm Quantity and Quality Followed over Two Spermatogenic Cycles." NCBI. US National Library of Medicine, 2010. Web. pubmed/20452008.
Zenico, T. "Subjective Effects of Lepidium Meyenii (Maca) Extract on Well-being and Sexual Performances in Patients with Mild Erectile Dysfunction: A Randomised, Double-blind Clinical Trial." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2009. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/19260845.
Dording, CM. "A Double-blind, Randomized, Pilot Dose-finding Study of Maca Root (L. Meyenii) for the Management of SSRI-induced Sexual Dysfunction." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2008. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/18801111.
Law, C. "Maca Reduces Blood Pressure and Depression, in a Pilot Study in Postmenopausal Women." NCBI. US National Library of Medicine, 2015. Web. pubmed/24931
Comhaire, FH. "Hormones, Herbal Preparations and Nutriceuticals for a Better Life after the Menopause: Part II." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2015. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/25668332.
Meissner, HO. "Use of Gelatinized Maca (lepidium Peruvianum) in Early Postmenopausal Women." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2005. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/23674952.
Brookes, NA. "Beneficial Effects of Lepidium Meyenii (Maca) on Psychological Symptoms and Measures of Sexual Dysfunction in Postmenopausal Women Are Not Related to Estrogen or Androgen Content." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2008. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/18784609.
Rubio, J., and M. Caldas. "Effect of Three Different Cultivars of Lepidium Meyenii (Maca) on Learning and Depression in Ovariectomized Mice."National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2006. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/16796734.
Stone, M. "A Pilot Investigation into the Effect of Maca Supplementation on Physical Activity and Sexual Desire in Sportsmen." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2009. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/19781622.
Gonzalez, C. "Effects of Different Varieties of Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) on Bone Structure in Ovariectomized Rats." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2010. Web. 02 June 2016. pubmed/20616517.
S Salminen, et al. Probiotic bacteria as potential detoxification tools: assessing their heavy metal binding isotherms. Can J Microbiol. 2006 Sep;52(9):877-85. pubmed/17110980
M Monachese, et al. Bioremediation and tolerance of humans to heavy metals through microbial processes: a potential role for probiotics? Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012 Sep;78(18):6397-404. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01665-12. Epub 2012 Jul 13. pmc/articles/PMC3426676/
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