Donut Peach

By Holly Bieler
Updated on 28. May. 2020

The donut peach is a delicate, delicious cousin of the traditional variety and has the same delicious flavor and aroma.

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Donut peaches...

  • a healthy immune system.
    Donut peaches contain about 10 percent of vitamin C per 100 gram serving, which helps to keep your immune system healthy.
  • ...protect the cells.
    The donut peach contains about 1 milligram of vitamin E per 100 gram serving. This vitamin helps protect cells from harmful free radicals.
  • ...can help detoxify the body.
    With its fairly high potassium content (about 195 milligrams per 100 grams), the donut peach helps keep your body’s fluid balance in check, as well as stimulate kidney and bladder function.
  • ...provides valuable plant substances.
    The skin and flesh of donut peaches - especially white-fleshed varieties - contains important secondary plant substances including chlorogenic acid.
  • easy on the stomach.
    Even if you have a sensitive stomach you should be able to enjoy a ripe donut peach, as it contains hardly any acid.
  • ...can strengthen eyesight.
    Yellow and orange varieties of vineyard peaches contain a considerable amount of vitamin A, which supports healthy vision and also improves the function of the skin and mucous membranes.

What You Should Know About Donut Peaches

Donut peaches have only gained popularity in the U.S. in recent years. Although they're smaller than the traditional variety, donut peaches still contain the unique, delicious sweet aroma and flavor of the standard peach, and are also packed with nutrients. And just like other peaches, donut peaches are available in a range of colors, from pinkish-white to pale yellow to dark orange.


The donut peach originates from China.


The flesh of a donut peach has an incredibely sweet yet slightly sour flavor and is wonderfully aromatic. Remember that unripe peaches, however, have much less flavor and a harder consistency, so make sure to consume your peaches only when they're fully ripe. 


Donut peaches are in peak season from May through July.

Our Favorite Donut Peach Recipes

How Healthy Are Donut Peaches?

Donut peaches are low in calories but relatively rich in minerals (especially potassium) and vitamins. Dark yellow and orange varieties are also considerably high in vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin and vision.  Donut peaches are also a good source of vitamin C, with around 10 milligrams per 100 gram serving.

The skin and flesh of donut peaches, especially white-fleshed varieties, contain important secondary plant substances such as chlorogenic acid, which protects our DNA, and polyphenol quercetin.

Calories 44
Protein 0.76 g
Fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 8.9 g
Fiber 1.7 g

Shopping and Cooking Tips


Make sure the skin is smooth, plump and unbruised. Try the sniff test as well-- if you can smell the peach's characteristic sweet aroma, it should be perfectly ripe.


Because they are significantly smaller than standard peaches, donut peaches ripen faster and can therefore spoil quickly. They keep a little better if they are kept in the refrigerator, but only for a maximum of three to four days.

Unripe vineyard peaches can be left to ripen at room temperature. But keep an eye on them: the time between ripening and mold is short.


Vineyard peaches are easy to prepare: simply rinse briefly, dab dry, cut in half lengthwise and remove the flesh from its hard pit.

What to Make With Donut Peaches

The particularly aromatic and juicy flesh of donut peaches makes a perfect base for jams, compotes or purees. This is also a great way to use donut peaches that about to go bad.

Donut peaches also taste great in smoothies, freshly prepared juice cocktails or fruit salads.

Because its flesh tastes less sweet than that of standard peaches, donut peaches harmonize particularly well with savory ingredients, especially grilled meats. Donut peaches are also a delicious, refreshing addition to savory salads.

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