Macadamia Nuts

By Holly Bieler
Updated on 29. May. 2020

Macadamia nuts' unique, buttery flavor makes them a delicious ingredient especially in desserts. They're also packed with heart-healthy nutrients.

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Macadamia nuts...

  • ...are packed with dietary fiber.
    100 grams of macadamia nuts contain more than 50 percent of your daily requirement of dietary fiber, which ensures the rapid removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body, generally improves digestion and can keep you fuller for longer.
  • ...can help keep you looking and feeling young.
    The macadamia nut contains a generous portion of vitamin E, which can help protect against premature ageing and cell damage caused by free radicals.
  • ...are a great source of B vitamins.
    Macadamia nuts are rich in B vitamins, especially B1, which helps the nervous system function properly and supports the metabolism of carbohydrates..
  • ...strengthen nerves and muscles.
    100 grams of macadamia nuts contain an impressive 109 milligrams of magnesium, which supports the health of the nervous system and the muscles.
  • protect the heart.
    Like all nuts, the macadamia nut is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other unsaturated fatty acids. These help keep blood vessels elastic, help the blood flow better, and can help lower cholesterol levels.
  • ...are good for your intestines.
    The macadamia nut releases substances that increase the activity of protective enzymes in the cells, which studies have shown might have help ward against intestinal cancer.
  • ...should be eaten unseasoned.
    Like many varieties of nuts, seasoned macadamia nuts tend to be packed with unhealthy sodium.

What You Should Know About Macadamia Nuts

With their thick, dark brown shell, macadamia nuts are externally reminiscent of our chestnuts. However unlike chestnuts you almost never see the macadamia nuts' shell, as they're so tough they require a special machine for cracking. This makes macadamia nut cultivation extremely complex, and the most expensive nut in the world to produce, which is often included in its price.


Macadamia trees originate from the rainforests of Australia, where native aboriginals have valued them as particularly nutritious and have consumed them for generations. It wasn't until the mid-1960s that Australia began exporting them. 


Since macadamia nuts are almost exclusively sold shelled and vacuum packed or canned, they are available all year round. The Australian harvest runs from March to June; in Hawaii the harvest is from September to December.


The soft, cream-colored nuts taste slightly sweet, intensely nutty and buttery. They have a crunchy but comparatively soft texture.

Our Favorite Macadamia Nut Recipes

Find all our recipes with macadamia nuts here.

How Healthy Are Macadamia Nuts?

Like many nuts, there's no denying that macadamia nuts are high in calories and fat. However its important to remember that macadamia nuts' high fat content are primarily good, heart-healthy fats. In fact, a recent study has shown that daily consumption of about ten macadamia nuts can reduce blood cholesterol levels by 12 percent in just a month. In addition to their heart-friendly, unsaturated fatty acids, macadamia nuts contain plenty of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and B vitamins. In addition, they contain a high content of vegetable protein and satiating fibre.

If you want to take advantage of all the health benefits of macadamia nuts, you should enjoy them unsalted, as these have the most powerful effect on blood cholesterol levels.

Calories 703
Protein 7.5 g
Fat 73 g
Carbohydrates 4 g
Fiber 16 g

Shopping and Cooking Tips


Because it's their shells are so difficult to crack, macadamia nuts are only available pre-peeled and vacuum-packed in cans or bottles.


Macadamia nuts can keep for up to two years if stored in a cool and dry place.

What To Make With Macadamia Nuts

Despite its extremely hard shell, macadamia nuts have a surprisingly soft and delicate texture. This makes them ideal for fillings, creams, ice creams and cakes Macadamia nuts also pair beautifully with fruit salads or cheese. 

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