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Mexican Wraps with Homemade Tortillas and Fries

Mexican Wraps with Homemade Tortillas and Fries

1 hr, ready in 1 hr 50 min.
Health Score:
79 / 100
For the tortillas
200 grams Pastry flour
100 grams Cornmeal
1 pinch salt
4 Tbsps sunflower oil
100 milliliters water
For the filling
300 grams chicken
1 green Bell pepper
1 Red Bell pepper
100 grams Corn kernel (boiled)
2 Tbsps vegetable oil
2 Tomatoes
freshly ground peppers
cayenne pepper (to taste)
For the fries
1 kilogram size potatoes
1 ½ liters Frying oil
How healthy are the main ingredients?
potatochickensaltTomatosaltcayenne pepper

For the tortillas, combine the two flours and mix with salt, oil, and water. Knead dough on a floured surface to a smooth consistency. Cover and let rest for about 20 minutes. Again knead the prepared dough on a floured surface. Divide into 8 round pieces, and with a rolling pin, roll dough out thin. Cook about 1 minute on each side in a dry frying pan until you see some dark brown spots. Once the dough inflates, press it back down with the spatula. Keep the finished tortillas warm.


For the filling, rinse and halve the peppers. Remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Drain the corn and cut off the kernels. Blanch the tomatoes, peel, remove seeds, and cut into small cubes. Cut the chicken into small cubes also, and sauté quickly in 1 tablespoon hot oil. Season with salt and pepper. Remove chicken from pan and keep warm. Add the pieces of pepper to remaining oil and cook a few minutes. Then add the tomato and corn and cook. Season with salt and pepper, and mix everything with the meat. Season the filling with cayenne pepper to taste. Put a little filling on each warm tortilla. Roll the tortillas up, and cut crosswise if desired.


For the fries, heat oil in a fryer or sufficiently large saucepan to 165°C (approximately 330°F). The oil is hot enough when bubbles appear around the handle of a wooden spoon that is submerged in it. While the oil is heating, peel the potatoes, cut into sticks, and dry well with paper towel. Place the potato strips into the oil in batches and cook about 5 minutes, until they are soft but have not yet browned. Then increase the oil temperature to 190°C (approximately 375°F), and cook in batches again for about 2 minutes to crisp. Remove, drain well, and sprinkle with salt.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie3,670 cal.(175 %)
Protein32 g(33 %)
Fat355 g(306 %)
Carbohydrates99 g(66 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage10 g(33 %)
Ausgabe 03/24

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