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Camembert parcels with apricot chutney

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40 min.
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For the chutney
400 grams Tomatoes
200 grams Apricot
2 Tbsps honey
2 Tbsps Wine vinegar
ground allspice
freshly ground peppers
For the parcels
4 sheets Spring roll dough sheet (around 20 x 20 cm) (approximately 8 x 8 inches)
4 Camembert
1 Tbsp Cinnamon sugar
1 egg white
4 Chives
vegetable oil (for frying)
To garnish
1 Tbsp freshly chopped Basil
1 Tbsp freshly grated Parmesan
ground paprika
powdered sugar
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Preparation steps


For the chutney: Cut an "X" into the base of the tomatoes, blanch in boiling water, peel, cut in half, remove the seeds and dice. Rinse the apricots, cut in half, remove pits and dice. Bring the tomatoes, apricots, honey, 4-5 tablespoons water and vinegar to a boil. Season with allspice, salt and pepper and let cool.


Cut each cheese wheel into wedges. Sprinkle each piece with a little cinnamon sugar and reassemble back into wheels. Arrange the spring roll wrappers on a clean work surface, brush with egg white, arrange the cheese in the middle and shape each wrapper into a parcel around the cheese. Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Arrange on serving plates with the chutney. Sprinkle with basil and Parmesan then dust with a little paprika and powdered sugar to serve.

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