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Monkfish with Vegetables

Monkfish with Vegetables

1 hr
Health Score:
79 / 100
For the vegetables
2 large carrots
½ bunch Arugula
4 Tomatoes
½ Cucumber
For the fish
400 grams Monkfish
2 Tbsps Pastry flour
150 grams Wild rice
200 grams Long grain rice
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
1 small Leek
1 carrot
peppers (freshly ground)
700 milliliters fish stock
125 milliliters white wine
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Long grain riceArugulacarrotTomatoCucumberonion

For the fish, rinse wild rice and long-grain rice under running water in a colander and drain.


Peel onion and garlic and chop finely. Cut leek in half lengthwise, rinse and cut diagonally into thin rings. Peel carrot and finely chop.


Heat 4 tablespoons oil in a pan and add the carrot, onion, garlic and leek. Sauté briefly while stirring. Add wild rice and long-grain rice and cook briefly while stirring. Add white wine, let wine evaporate briefly, then gradually add the fish stock. Cook the rice until done while stirring continuously. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in 1-2 teaspoons butter.


Cut the fish into serving pieces. Mix flour with salt and pepper and turn the pieces of fish in it, then tap off excess. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a pan and fry the fish on each side for about 2 minutes..


For the vegetables, peel the carrots and shave lengthwise with a vegetable peeler into strips. Peel cucumber and shave lengthwise with a vegetable peeler into strips. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into wedges. Rinse arugula and spin dry.


Arrange rice with the vegetables and the arugula on plates. Set 1-2 pieces of fish on top of each and serve immediately.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie597 cal.(28 %)
Protein40 g(41 %)
Fat6 g(5 %)
Carbohydrates85 g(57 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage9.7 g(32 %)
Ausgabe 03/24

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