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Seitan Roulades

Seitan Roulades

40 min., ready in 1 hr 1 min
80 grams Gluten (Powder)
2 Tbsps Nutritional yeast
1 generous pinch Baking powder
1 tsp herbes de Provence
4 Tbsps soybean oil
60 milliliters Soy milk
freshly ground peppers
1 scallion
150 grams Smoked tofu
200 milliliters Non-dairy cream
2 Tbsps freshly chopped parsley
1 splash lemon juice
100 milliliters Vegetable broth
100 milliliters dry white wine (vegan)
gram Saffron
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Soy milksoybean oilparsleysalt

Mix the gluten powder with the nutritional yeast, baking powder and herbs in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons oil and the soy milk to the gluten mixture, season with salt and pepper and mix everything together quickly. Divide the mixture into quarters and press each portion using your hands to form flat patties. In a large, hot skillet with 2 tablespoons of oil, fry the patties on both sides for about 1 minute until golden brown. Remove from the heat, cover and set aside.


Meanwhile for the filling, rinse and trim the scallion and cut into thin rings. Puree the tofu with 3-4 tablespoons of creamer. Add the scallions and parsley and season with salt, lemon juice and pepper.


Remove the cutlets from the pan and spread with the tofu cream. Roll up and secure with toothpicks. Place back in the pan, pour in a little broth, cover and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.


For the sauce, boil the wine with the rest of the creamer, the remaining broth and saffron. Simmer to reduce by about half. Season with salt and pepper and mix until frothy.


Pour the sauce onto a deep dish, remove the rolls from the pan, place on top of the sauce and serve.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie575 cal.(27 %)
Protein26.1 g(27 %)
Fat31.01 g(27 %)
Carbohydrates24.62 g(16 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage0.55 g(2 %)
Ausgabe 03/24

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