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Poached Chicken Breast with Asparagus, Morels and Lemon

Poached Chicken Breast with Asparagus, Morels and Lemon

40 min., ready in 2 h.
20 grams dried Morel
1 ⅕ liters Chicken broth
2 sprigs thyme
1 untreated lemon
4 Chicken breasts (about 120 grams)
500 grams green Asparagus
2 Tbsps olive oil
freshly ground peppers
75 milliliters Whipped cream
1 tsp cornstarch
Red pepper flakes
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Whipped creamolive oilthymelemonChicken breastsalt

Cover morels in cold water and soak about 1 hour. Then drain mushrooms through a sieve or cheesecloth and reserve mushroom water.


Heat about 1 L (approximately 2 cups) broth below boiling point and add thyme. From the lemon, grate a little zest, halve and cut thin slices for garnish. Place a thick slice of lemon in the broth. Rinse chicken breasts and poach for about 20 minutes in broth.


Peel bottom third of asparagus and cut diagonally into 4-5 cm (approximately 1 1/2 inch) long pieces. Fry in hot oil then deglaze with a little broth. Season with salt, cover and cook about 5 minutes until tender. Finally, add morels and season with salt and pepper.


For the sauce, bring to a boil the cream, remaining broth and 2-3 tablespoons of morel water. Mix cornstarch with a little cold water and add to sauce to thicken. If necessary to add more liquid, remove some broth from poached chicken breasts. Add lemon zest and season with lemon juice and salt.


Remove chicken breasts from the broth, let rest briefly and serve halved diagonally over the asparagus morel mixture. Drip sauce over chicken (briefly foam with a hand blender prior to serving). Serve garnished with lemon slices and red pepper flakes.

Ausgabe 04/24

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