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Marinated Mullet

Marinated Mullet

with Arugula on Artichoke Bottoms
1 hr, ready in 5 h.
Health Score:
88 / 100
1 lb skin-on Mullet (ask your fishmonger to clean it for you)
½ Organic orange
½ tsp pink peppercorns
1 Tbsp sugar
5 Tbsps olive oil
4 Artichoke (about 200 grams)
1 lemon
2 yellow Bell pepper (about 150 grams)
½ bunch Basil
1 small Red onion
16 Cherry tomatoes
½ bunch Arugula (about 40 grams)
2 Tbsps balsamic vinegar
How healthy are the main ingredients?
olive oilArugulasugarBasilsaltArtichoke
Marinated Mullet preparation step 1

Rinse the mullet fillets and pat dry. Place skin side down in a baking dish.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 2

Rinse the orange in hot water, wipe dry and finely grate the zest. Crush the pink peppercorns with the side of a knife. Mix zest and peppercorns with 1 tablespoon salt, the sugar and 1 teaspoon oil. Spread mixture on the fillets, dividing evenly.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 3

Place fillets with the flesh sides together and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight. 

Marinated Mullet preparation step 4

Meanwhile, prepare artichokes: Trim off the stem just below the globe and remove fibers.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 5

Pull off all of the tough leaves around each artichoke.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 6

Cut off tops of artichokes to separate bottoms. Cut lemon in half.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 7

Rub artichoke bottoms with lemon halves and place both in a pot. Cover with salted water and bring to a boil, then cook over medium heat until knife-tender, 20-25 minutes.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 8

Remove artichokes and allow to cool before scooping out the fibrous choke with a spoon. Remove any remaining tough outer leaves.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 9

Cut bell peppers into quarters, remove seeds, rinse and place skin-side up on a baking sheet. Brush with a little oil and roast on a hot grill or under a heated broiler until skin is blackened and blistered, watching carefully. Cover with a damp cloth and allow to cool slightly. Then peel off skin and cut peppers into strips.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 10

Rinse basil, shake dry, pluck leaves and coarsely crumble. Peel onion and cut into fine strips. Rinse tomatoes and cut into halves or quarters. Rinse arugula and spin dry.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 11

Remove mullet from marinade. Peel off skin, then rinse fillets and pat dry. Cut into very thin slices.

Marinated Mullet preparation step 12

Mix peppers, basil, onion and tomato in a bowl with remaining oil and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Fill artichoke bottoms with pepper mixture, arugula and fish slices and serve immediately.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie314 cal.(15 %)
Protein28 g(29 %)
Fat18 g(16 %)
Carbohydrates7 g(5 %)
Sugar added2 g(8 %)
Roughage15.5 g(52 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Artichoke bottoms and the salad vegetables are full of fibre and vitamins. The fish makes sure that the iodine needed by the thyroid gland is covered and scores with protein. It also provides vitamin D for growth and bone strength.

Even smarter

Even smarter

You don't have a grill or shy away from skinning peppers? Then you can take peeled red peppers out of the jar, which come from Spain to our supermarket shelves. If you want to save time, you can also use canned artichoke bases (jar or tin) instead of the fresh ones.

Ausgabe 03/24

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