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Herbed Potato Tart

Herbed Potato Tart

with Crème Fraiche
35 min., ready in 55 min.
Health Score:
87 / 100
400 grams waxy potatoes
1 egg
1 bunch Fresh herbs (such as thyme or dill, or a mix)
1 Tbsp olive oil (about 10 grams)
125 grams Buttermilk quark
2 Tbsps Ajvar
cayenne pepper
How healthy are the main ingredients?
potatoolive oileggsaltcayenne pepper
Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 1

Scrub potatoes and cook in a pot of boiling salted water until knife-tender, 20-25 minutes, depending on size.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 2

Meanwhile, separate eggs. (Reserve yolks for another use.) Place egg whites in a bowl.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 3

Rinse the herbs, shake dry, pluck off the leaves and chop very finely with a large knife.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 4

Add chopped herbs to the egg whites, season with salt and pepper and mix with a fork.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 5

Drain the potatoes, rinse under cold water and peel. Cut into slices and let cool slightly.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 6

Line a tart pan (18 cm or approximately 7 inches in diameter) with parchment paper.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 7

Mix cooled potatoes with egg white mixture and pour into the lined pan. Evenly drizzle with oil and bake in preheated oven at 180°C (fan 160°C, gas: mark 2-3) (approximately 350°F) until golden brown, about 30 minutes.

Herbed Potato Tart preparation step 8

Meanwhile, mix the crème fraiche with the ajwar in a small bowl until smooth. Season with salt and cayenne pepper. Serve with the potato tart.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie229 cal.(11 %)
Protein15 g(15 %)
Fat6 g(5 %)
Carbohydrates27 g(18 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage4.5 g(15 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

This is the fun way to lose weight! With just under 230 calories per portion, this juicy tart is not going to take a back seat, but it will keep you full for a long time. This is thanks to the rich protein content, which potatoes, egg and quark contribute. The Frankfurt herb mix consisting of seven herbs (parsley, chives, dill, pimpinelle, chervil, sorrel, tarragon) provides an aromatic injection of vitamins and minerals.

Even smarter

Even smarter

Those who do not live in Hessen can pre-order Frankfurter Kräuter from many greengrocers. If children or people with a sensitive stomach are eating along dose Ajwar carefully (slightly hot!).

Ausgabe 03/24

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