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Fillet of Wild Boar with Assorted Vegetables

Fillet of Wild Boar with Assorted Vegetables

1 hr 40 min.
Health Score:
75 / 100
For the wild boar
700 grams Wild boar fillet
freshly ground peppers
2 Tbsps vegetable oil
For the mushrooms
500 grams Chanterelle
2 Tbsps butter
For the mashed potatoes
700 grams potatoes
40 grams butter
100 grams Whipped cream
For the stuffed Swiss chard
8 Chard leaf
2 shallots
1 Tbsp butter
80 grams grated white bread
1 egg
For the sauce
400 milliliters Game stock
sauce thickener
200 grams Chestnuts
How healthy are the main ingredients?
potatoChanterelleChestnutWhipped creamwhite breadsalt

Preheat the oven to 250°C (approximately 480°F). With a paring knife, cut a cross in the rounded side of each chestnut and bake until the shell is cracked, 15-20 minutes. Keep warm


For the wild boar: Preheat the oven to 75°C (approximately 175°F). Rinse the meat, pat dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a skillet and brown the meat all over. Cook, turning the meat occasionally until it is almost done, 10-15 minutes. Wrap the meat in aluminum foil and keep warm in the oven.


For the mashed potatoes: Peel the potatoes and cook in a pot of boiling salted water until knife-tender, about 25 minutes.


Drain, transfer to a bowl and with a potato masher, mash with the butter and cream, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Keep warm.


For the stuffed Swiss chard: Rinse and trim the Swiss chard and separate the stems from the leaves. Blanch the leaves in a pot of boiling salted water for 1 minute, remove, rinse under cold water and drain on paper towels. Cut the stems into small pieces. Peel the shallots and finely chop. Heat the butter in a skillet and saute the shallots and pieces of chard until tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly and transfer to a bowl. Mix in grated white bread and the egg and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Divide the mixture among the chard leaves and roll up. Place seam side down in a steamer set over a pan of simmering water, steam until the filling is firm, about 8 minutes. 


For the mushrooms: Clean the chanterelles, chop if necessary. Heat the butter in a skillet and saute the mushrooms until tender, season with salt and pepper.


For the sauce: In a saucepan, boil the stock over high heat until reduced by half. Mix the cornstarch with a little water, stir into the boiling stock and cook until thickened.Stir in meat juices from the boar, season with salt and pepper.


Peel the chestnuts.


To serve, cut the meat into slices, arrange on warmed plates with some sauce, mashed potatoes, chanterelles, Swiss chard and chestnuts.

Nutritional values
1 each contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie1,127 cal.(54 %)
Protein62.99 g(64 %)
Fat52.82 g(46 %)
Carbohydrates97.44 g(65 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage14.04 g(47 %)
Ausgabe 03/24

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