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Curry with Shrimp, Bell Peppers and Green Beans

Curry with Shrimp, Bell Peppers and Green Beans

15 min., ready in 30 min.
Health Score:
89 / 100
500 grams shrimp ready to cook (shelled, deveined)
1 Red Bell pepper
300 grams green Beans
200 grams small Baby corn cob (from a jar)
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
2 Tbsps vegetable oil
1 Tbsp Red Curry paste
200 milliliters fish stock
350 milliliters Coconut milk
1 Tbsp light soy sauce
freshly ground peppers
1 Tbsp Lime juice
1 handful Thai basil
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Coconut milksoy sauceoniongarlic clovesalt

Rinse the shrimp and pat dry. Rinse the bell peppers, dry, remove the seeds and chop. Rinse, trim and halve the beans. Drain the baby corn and halve lengthwise. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely and saute in a large frying pan with hot oil. Add the curry paste and saute briefly. Add the fish stock and the coconut milk. Mix in the green beans, baby corn and bell peppers and simmer for about 12 minutes on low heat. Add the shrimp 4 minutes before the curry mixture is done cooking. Season with soy sauce, salt, pepper and lime juice. Serve on plates and garnish with basil.


If you wish, serve together with rice.

Nutritional values
1 each contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie455 cal.(22 %)
Protein33 g(34 %)
Fat27 g(23 %)
Carbohydrates18 g(12 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage5.4 g(18 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

The tender but firm meat of the shrimp is low in calories and contains little fat. In addition, the crustaceans are a good source of high-quality protein and the vital trace elements zinc and iodine. As an important component of thyroid hormones, iodine is involved in the energy metabolism.

Even smarter

Even smarter

If you are not a low-carb fan, you can enjoy the curry with natural rice. The whole grain rice is also available as fragrant rice (basmati) and rounds off the dish perfectly with its nutty taste.

Ausgabe 03/24

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