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Candied Strawberries

Candied Strawberries

15 min.
18 ozs Strawberries
9 ozs whole cane sugar
3 ½ ozs water
How healthy are the main ingredients?

Clean and wash strawberries, but do not remove the green and stem. Put the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to low boil and cook until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture has reached a thick consistency. Remove pan from heat.


Skewer one strawberry at a time on a small wooden stick and dip the fruit briefly into the still-warm sugar solution. Remove candied strawberries and let dry on a plate lined with baking/parchment paper. It is best to store them in the refrigerator before serving.

Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Strawberries are true nutrient boosters. The fruits are rich in vitamin C - which strengthens our immune system. By the way, the darker the berry, the more of the vitamin it contains. Abundant secondary plant compounds in the candied strawberries also help protect our cells from free radicals.

Even smarter

Even smarter

The candied strawberries are a great addition to mocktails. The candied strawberries also look great as a decoration on cakes, tarts, or other desserts.

Ausgabe 02/24

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