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Asian-style Soba Noodle Salad with Smoked Salmon and Peanuts

Asian-style Soba Noodle Salad with Smoked Salmon and Peanuts

30 min.
200 grams Soba Noodles
200 grams red Chinese Daikon radish
4 scallions
200 grams Smoked salmon
½ bunch Thai basil
1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 soy sauce
Banana leaf (for serving)
2 Tbsps Peanuts (for garnish)
soy sauce (for garnish)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
sesame oilsoy saucePeanutssoy sauce

Cook soba noodles according to package instructions, then rinse in cold water and drain. Rinse the radish, trim and cut or slice into thin strips. Rinse scallions, trim and cut into 2 cm (approximately 3/4-inch) long pieces. Cut the smoked salmon into about 4 cm (approximately 1 1/2-inch) long strips. Pluck basil leaves from the stems.


Mix soba noodles with radish, scallions, salmon, soy sauce and sesame oil and arrange on banana leaves. Sprinkle with the basil leaves and garnish with the peanuts. Garnish each serving with a little soy sauce to use as a dip for the salmon.

Ausgabe 02/24

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