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Vegetable Noodle Stir-Fry with Tofu

Vegetable Noodle Stir-Fry with Tofu

40 min.
Health Score:
87 / 100
150 grams Glass noodles
450 grams Tofu
6 Tbsps soy sauce
2 small red Bell pepper
400 grams small Broccoli
300 grams Bok Choy
2 Tbsps Oyster sauce
4 Tbsps sesame oil
How healthy are the main ingredients?
TofuBroccoliBok Choysoy saucesesame oil

Cut tofu into 2 cm (approximately 3/4 inch) cubes and place in a shallow dish.


Pour the soy sauce over the tofu and marinate for 30 minutes.


Cook the rice noodles in a pot of boiling water for 1 minute. Drain the noodles, rinse with cold water to cool and drain thoroughly.


Rinse the bell peppers, cut in half, remove seeds and white ribs, and cut into strips. Rinse the broccoli florets and cut into smaller pieces if necessary. Peel and chop the broccoli stems. Rinse the bok choy and cut into strips.


Heat some of the sesame oil in a wok or large skillet on the stove. Add the vegetables in stages, starting with the broccoli stems and bell peppers followed by the broccoli florets and bok choy. Cook while stirring continuously. Add up to 1 tablespoon of the sesame oil. Add the noodles and oyster sauce to the vegetables and season with the soy sauce from the tofu to taste.


Pat the tofu dry. Heat the remaining sesame oil in a skillet. Add the tofu and cook until golden on all sides. Serve the stir-fry and tofu on plates.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie434 cal.(21 %)
Protein25 g(26 %)
Fat18 g(16 %)
Carbohydrates42 g(28 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage9.7 g(32 %)
Ausgabe 04/24

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