Eat Smarter USA | Eat Healthy. Live Smarter.


Steak Diane

Steak Diane

30 min., ready in 1 hr 10 min.
For the mashed potatoes
750 grams starchy potatoes
1 tsp salt
250 milliliters milk
20 grams butter
For beefsteak
4 Steak (à 200-250 g, from Filet)
shredded black peppers
clarified butter (to saute)
3 Tbsps Brandy (flambé)
For the sauce
4 Tbsps sherry
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
20 grams butter
½ shallot
1 Tbsp chopped parsley (or chives)
2 Tbsps Whipped cream (at needed)
3 Tbsps Beef bouillon (at needed)
Fresh herbs (for garnish)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
potatoWhipped creamparsleysaltsaltNutmeg

For the mashed potatoes: Peel the potatoes, cut into uniform pieces and cook in a pan of boiling salted water until knife-tender, about 15 minutes.


For the sauce: Meanwhile, peel the shallot and finely dice. Heat a little butter in a skillet. Season the steaks with salt and pepper or meat tenderizer and saute the steaks on both sides. Then add the brandy and flambé. Remove the steaks from the pan.


Add sherry, Worcestershire sauce, butter, shallot and parsley to the pan and stir in the cream and bouillon as desired.


Bring the milk to a boil. Press the potatoes through a potato ricer into a bowl and with a hand mixer beat in the milk and butter until smooth and season with salt and nutmeg. Serve the potatoes with the steak, spoon the sauce over and garnish with herbs.

Healthy, because

Healthy, because

The beef steaks taste just great with the dark steak sauce! And they are bursting with high-quality protein - this is needed as a bodybuilding material and is indispensable for muscle building, for example. Potatoes provide complex carbohydrates that provide long-lasting satiety.

Even smarter

Even smarter

The dark steak sauce can also be prepared in large quantities and frozen in portions. So you can save some time next time!

Ausgabe 02/24

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