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Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Lentils

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Lentils

45 min.
6 ozs mountain lentils
16 ozs Brussels sprouts
Iodized salt (With fluoride)
1 ¾ ozs dried Tomatoes
1 shallot
3 Tbsps Canola oil
¾ oz soft golden raisin
1 ¾ ozs Apple juice
1 ¾ ozs Vegetable broth
1 Tbsp Maple syrup
2 Tbsps balsamic vinegar
1 tsp freshly grated Horseradish
2 parsley

Cook lentils in twice the amount of water, covered, over low heat for about 25 minutes until tender. Meanwhile, clean and wash Brussels sprouts and cook in salted water for about 10 minutes until al dente. Then drain and let drain. Cut tomatoes into strips. Peel and finely dice shallot.


Heat oil in a frying pan. Sauté shallot in it over medium heat. Add Brussels sprouts and fry for 5 minutes. Mix in dried tomatoes and raisins and continue to sauté for 5 minutes.


Deglaze Brussels sprouts with apple juice and broth and let liquid reduce slightly in about 3 minutes. Mix in lentils, season with maple syrup, vinegar, salt and pepper and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.


Wash parsley, shake dry and pluck leaves. Season Brussels sprouts and lentils and add horseradish and parsley on top.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie285 cal.(14 %)
Protein14 g(14 %)
Fat9 g(8 %)
Carbohydrates32 g(21 %)
Sugar added4 g(16 %)
Roughage9.6 g(32 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

IN FORM and the German Nutrition Society (DGE) have provided this recipe with the logo "Recommended by IN FORM". This logo provides guidance to consumers for a balanced diet. Only healthy recipes that meet all the established criteria are allowed to carry this logo. Further information on the project "Tested IN FORM recipes" can be found here..

Brussels sprouts contain particularly high levels of vitamin C and just 100 grams cover our daily requirement. This vitamin has antioxidant and cell-protective effects.

Even smarter

Even smarter

When buying the raisins, make sure that they are not additionally sweetened.

Ausgabe 03/24

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