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Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals

35 min., ready in 1 hr 40 min.
Health Score:
72 / 100
3 Peaches (about 14 oz.)
1 Lime
2 ozs dried Cranberry
7 ozs Pastry flour
2 tsps cream of tartar
4 ozs cream cheese
4 Tbsps
3 Tbsps Canola oil
6 Tbsps powdered sugar
How healthy are the main ingredients?
cream cheeseCranberryPeachLime
Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 1

Rinse peaches, pat dry, halve, and remove pits. Cut halves into small pieces approximately 1/2 inch.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 2

Rinse lime in hot water, wipe dry and finely grate half of the zest. Squeeze out lime juice. 

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 3

Finely chop the dried cranberries with a large knife.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 4

Mix together the chopped cranberries and peaches with the lime zest in a bowl.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 5

Whisk together the flour and baking powder in another bowl. Add the cream cheese, milk and canola oil and knead with the dough hook of a mixer until dough is smooth.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 6

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle approximately 12 x 16 inches. Distribute peach and cranberry mixture on top of the dough, leaving a 3/4-inch border.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 7

Roll up the dough from a long side firmly into a log and cut the log into 14 slices.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 8

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the dough slices on top and bake on the middle rack of a preheated oven at 400°F until golden brown, about 25 minutes.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 9

Remove from oven and place the baking sheet on a wire rack.

Peach & Cranberry Pastry Spirals preparation step 10

In a small bowl, whisk 2-3 teaspoons lime juice with the powdered sugar until smooth and thickened. Place in a small freezer bag, snip off a corner of the bag and pipe the icing over the warm spirals. Allow to cool about 40 minutes before serving.

Nutritional values
1 piece contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie118 cal.(6 %)
Protein2 g(2 %)
Fat3 g(3 %)
Carbohydrates19 g(13 %)
Sugar added4 g(16 %)
Roughage1.5 g(5 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

These pastries only contain 3 grams of fat. Fresh and dried fruit bring vitamins and minerals into the particles, and the peach scores with considerable amounts of vitamin A, which benefits both eyesight and skin.

Even smarter

Even smarter

The dough snails taste best freshly baked. If you want to keep them in stock, freeze them after cooling. They keep in the freezer for at least 3 months.

Ausgabe 03/24

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