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Papaya and Cucumber Salad

Papaya and Cucumber Salad

20 min.
2 Tbsps soybean sprout
½ Cucumber
1 Papaya
2 Tbsps olive oil
2 Tbsps sesame oil
4 Tbsps lemon juice
1 Tbsp White vinegar
½ tsp medium hot Mustard
1 Tbsp Sesame seeds
½ tsp honey
Coconut (to sprinkle)
mint (for garnish)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
olive oilsesame oilSesame seedsMustardhoneyCucumber

Rinse the sprouts under cold water, and drain well. Peel and halve the cucumber. Remove the seeds, and cut into 1/2 inch slices. Halve the papaya, remove the seeds and shell, and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Mix the two oils, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, sesame seeds, and honey to form a dressing. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Mix the cucumber and papaya into the dressing. Transfer to bowls, top with the sprouts, coconut shavings and mint and serve.

Healthy, because

Healthy, because

100 grams of papaya contains more than two thirds of the average daily requirement of immune-strengthening vitamin C.

Even smarter

Even smarter

You can sprinkle extra sesame seeds over the salad for added texture and protein.

Ausgabe 02/24

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