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Oat and Coconut Porridge with Berries

Oat and Coconut Porridge with Berries

20 min.
Health Score:
79 / 100
18 ozs milk
7 ozs Coconut milk
1 pinch salt
5 ozs steel oats Oats
8 ozs Raspberries
5 ozs red Currants
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp honey
½ oz Shredded coconut (2 TBSP.)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
RaspberryCoconut milkOatsCurranthoneysalt

Bring milk and coconut milk with salt and oat flakes to a boil and let swell over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Meanwhile, wash berries. Set aside 2-ounce raspberries and 1-ounce currants. Put the other berries in a saucepan with lemon juice and honey, heat for about 2 minutes, and press lightly with a fork.


Divide porridge with berries among glasses and sprinkle with set aside berries and coconut flakes.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie365 cal.(17 %)
Protein11 g(11 %)
Fat18 g(16 %)
Carbohydrates37 g(25 %)
Sugar added4 g(16 %)
Roughage7.8 g(26 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Oatmeal stimulates digestion through valuable dietary fiber and satiates well. The dietary fiber beta-glucan also has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Coconut contains medium-chain saturated fatty acids, which stimulate fat burning, and the minerals potassium and calcium.

Even smarter

Even smarter

This breakfast can be varied every morning: Sometimes with spelt instead of oatmeal, sometimes with almond milk instead of coconut and cow's milk. And you can also give free rein to your imagination when it comes to fruit. So this healthy dish will never be boring!

Ausgabe 04/24

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