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Meatball Sandwiches

Meatball Sandwiches

40 min.
4 Mini ciabatta roll (finished product for home baking)
2 tsps grated Cheese
For the meatballs
1 slice Toast
1 Tbsp Whipped cream
200 grams Ground meat
1 egg
freshly ground peppers
2 Tbsps breadcrumbs
1 Tbsp chopped onions
1 Tbsp chopped Arugula
¼ l Tomato juice
1 tsp Tabasco sauce
Arugula (for serving)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
onionWhipped creamArugulaeggsaltArugula

For the meatballs: Soak toast in lukewarm water and squeeze to remove excess liquid. In a bowl, combine toast, cream, ground meat and egg. Season with salt and pepper. Add onions and arugula and mix well. If mixture is too soft, add breadcrumbs as needed. Form mixture into 4-6 large meatballs. In a pot, heat tomato juice and Tabasco. Add meatballs and simmer.


Meanwhile, sprinkle the bread loaves with cheese and bake according to package directions. Remove loaves from oven, cut each in half, place meatballs on bottom halves, replace with top halves, and secure with wooden skewers. Serve with arugula.

Ausgabe 02/24

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