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Italian Salad Bowl

Italian Salad Bowl

30 min.
12 fresh, large Artichoke
2 Tomatoes
2 lemons
½ cup Mozzarella (drained)
1 Basil
5 Tbsps olive oil
freshly ground peppers
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Mozzarellaolive oilArtichokeTomatolemonBasil
Wash the basil leaves, shake dry and chop finely. Mix the oil, the juice of 1 lemon and the basil. Season with salt and pepper and mix again.
Remove the artichoke stalks and all the leaves, so that only the artichoke bottoms remain. Peel the artichoke bottoms and put into a bowl of water with the juice of the second lemon. Then take out, drain and cut into wafer-thin slices, using a mandolin vegetable slicer if available. Put into a bowl, sprinkle with the basil vinaigrette, mix well and leave to stand for about 10 minutes.
Wash the tomatoes, drop into boiling water for a few seconds, then skin, halve, deseed and dice finely. Dice the mozzarella. Add both to the artichokes and mix well. Serve immediately.
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Fresh artichokes are not only low in calories and fat but they are also a great source of powerful nutrients including satiating fiber and antioxidants. These nutrients help defend the body against cell-damaging free radicals.

Even smarter

Even smarter

Try out variations of this salad by substituting different types of cheese for the mozzarella, like parmesan.

Ausgabe 02/24

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