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Fried Perch with Beans and Tomato Sauce

Fried Perch with Beans and Tomato Sauce

1 hr 20 min., ready in 13 h. 20 min.
300 grams dried mixed Beans
black Beans
4 Perch fillet (with skin, 200 grams each)
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp clarified butter
1 onion
12 pickled garlic cloves (in oil)
1 tsp coarsely ground peppers
1 Beefsteak tomato
100 milliliters Vegetable broth
100 milliliters white wine
1 small Fennel
2 Tbsps Fish sauce
2 Tbsps butter
2 sprigs parsley
Chili powder
How healthy are the main ingredients?
parsleychickpeasoniongarlic cloveFennelsalt

Leave beans to soak in plenty of cold water for a day. Before cooking, pour beans through a sieve and rinse under running water. Drain well. Blanch tomato for a few seconds, peel, quarter, core and cut into small pieces. Drain garlic cloves. Divide fennel into segments and blanch 3–4 minutes in boiling salted water. Remove fennel, rinse in cold water and cut into pieces. Cook beans in plenty of water for about 40 minutes until tender. Lay garlic in an ovenproof dish and bake at 160°C (aproximately 325°F) until golden brown.


For the sauce, peel onion, halve and cut into a fine dice. Heat butter in a pan and sauté onions. Add diced tomatoes. Pour broth and white wine and simmer for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, rinse fish, pat dry, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with pepper. Fry in hot butter on skin side until crispy, then turn fish and fry on other side briefly so it remains juicy. Puree sauce and season with chili powder, salt and pepper. Drain beans and add with fennel to sauce. Mix briefly and season to taste. Rinse parsley, shake dry and coarsely chop roughly half.


Spread beans on plates and place fish fillets with skin side up on top. Serve garnished with garlic and parsley.

Ausgabe 03/24

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