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French Macarons

French Macarons

with chocolate filling
30 min., ready in 1 hr 20 min.
For the macarons
4 egg whites
2 tsps lemon juice
250 grams very fine sugar
200 grams ground almonds
Food coloring (as desired)
1 tsp Cocoa
For the filling
100 grams dark Couverture (or light chocolate)
2 Tbsps Whipped cream
20 grams butter
Food coloring (as desired)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
sugaralmondWhipped creamCocoa

For the macarons, beat egg whites with lemon juice until stiff peaks form. Gradually sprinkle with sugar and continue beating until mixture is glossy and cut resistant. Fold in almonds. Divide into as many portions as desired. Add cocoa to one and different food colorings to others as desired.


Place meringue mixtures into piping bags with large round spouts. Pipe small circles on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Circles should be about 2 cm (approximately 1 inch) in diameter. Bake in a preheated oven at 130°C (approximately 250°F) for about 40 minutes, leaving oven door open a bit.


For the filling, chop chocolate into small pieces and gently melt over a hot water bath. Add heavy cream and butter (cut into small pieces) and stir until incorporated. Color as desired with food coloring and cool.


Top half of macarons with colored filling. Place remaining macarons on top. Serve.

Ausgabe 03/24

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