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Dumplings with Raspberry and Yogurt Sauce

Dumplings with Raspberry and Yogurt Sauce

30 min.
150 grams Raspberries
4 tsps powdered sugar
½ l milk
½ Vanilla bean
2 egg whites
2 Tbsps sugar
2 tsps lemon juice
1 Tbsp Yogurt (0.1% fat)
4 slices Kiwi
4 mint
How healthy are the main ingredients?

Rinse raspberries, put 1/3 aside and puree remaining raspberries. Pour through a sieve and season with some powdered sugar. Scrape vanilla seeds into milk, bring to a boil and remove from heat.


Beat egg whites until very stiff, then add sugar and 1 tsp lemon juice. Gently spoon egg whites into hot milk, a teaspoon at a time, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain. 


Combine yogurt, remaining powdered sugar, remaining lemon juice smooth and halved kiwi slices. Plate egg whites, drizzle raspberry and yogurt sauces onto plate. Decorate as desired. Garnish with remaining kiwis, raspberries and mint. Dust with powdered sugar and serve. 

Ausgabe 02/24

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