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Creamy Eel Soup

Creamy Eel Soup

1 hr
500 grams
2 onions
4 sprigs parsley
4 Dill
1 Sage
12 peppercorns
6 Juniper berries
3 bay leaves
200 grams Whipped cream
freshly ground peppers
4 Pearl onion
40 grams butter
60 grams Pastry flour
2 Tbsps white wine
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tomatoes
Vanilla oil (for drizzling)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Whipped creamparsleyonionDillSageJuniper berries

Cut eel into 2-3 cm (approximately 1 inch) long pieces. Bring 2 liters (approximately 8 1/3 cups) of water to a boil with chopped onion, parsley, 3 dill stalks, sage, peppercorns, juniper berries and bay leaves. Cover and let simmer for 20 minutes, then add pieces of eel into the stock and cook for about 20 minutes. Remove pieces of eel from the soup, remove meat from the bones and cut into uniform pieces. Pour soup through a sieve, collect liquid. Blanch tomatoes, rinse, peel and cut flesh into cubes. Peel onions and cut in half or quarters.


Melt butter, sauté onions briefly, sprinkle flour on it, sauté and pour in 3/4 liter (approximately 3 1/8 cups) soup liquid and mix well. Add cream and simmer about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Pluck remaining dill from stalks, chop, add to soup with salt, pepper, lemon juice and white wine to taste.


To serve, add warm pieces of eel and tomato cubes in the soup briefly and serve in dishes. Serve with a few drops of vanilla oil drizzled over top.

Ausgabe 02/24

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