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Cheese Tart

Cheese Tart

1 hr 50 min.
For the dough
200 grams Whole wheat flour
80 grams cold butter
½ tsp salt
4 Tbsps milk
For the filling
250 grams Quark
200 grams cream cheese
200 grams Sour cream
freshly ground peppers
2 garlic cloves
3 eggs
4 Tbsps finely chopped parsley
4 Tbsps scallions
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Whole wheat flourcream cheeseSour creamparsleyeggsalt

For the dough: Knead together flour, chopped butter, egg, salt and milk. Roll out dough on a floured surface and press into a greased pan. Chill for 30 minutes.


For the filling: Combine quark, cream cheese, sour cream, salt, pepper, pressed garlic and egg. Stir in herbs. Pour filling into dough and spread evenly. Place in a cold oven, ten increase oven temperature to 180°C (approximately 350°F) and bake for about 60 minutes. Then turn off oven and let tart rest in oven for 10 minutes.

Remove, let cool completely, then slice and serve. 

Ausgabe 02/24

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