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Baked Shrimp with Ginkgo Nuts and Asparagus

Baked Shrimp with Ginkgo Nuts and Asparagus

25 min.
1 Tbsp sesame oil
2 Tbsps Rice flour
1 pinch salt
1 tsp Lime juice
4 Ginkgo Nuts
2 stalks green Asparagus
2 Tbsps Lemon balm
8 King prawn (peeled, deveined)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
sesame oilsalt

Preheat the oven to 250°C (approximately 500°F). Grease a baking dish with sesame oil.


Mix the rice flour, salt and lime juice into a stiff paste and let stand for 5 minutes.


Peel the ginkgo nuts and thinly slice the inner green cores. Rinse the asparagus, trim the woody ends, peel and thinly slice. Rinse the lemon balm, shake dry and finely chop. Rinse the prawns, pat dry, insert a toothpick in the center of each and brush with the rice paste. Carefully dip 1/2 of the prawn into the gingko nuts and the other 1/2 in the asparagus, pressing in firmly to adhere. Arrange on the greased baking sheet and bake for 3-5 minutes.

Ausgabe 03/24

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