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Vietnamese Coconut Ice Cream

Vietnamese Coconut Ice Cream

30 min.
1 ⅔ cups milk
1 ⅔ cups Coconut milk (tinned)
cup sugar
1 Tbsp Corn starch
1.333 cups freshly grated Coconut (or 80g coconut flakes)
2 Tbsps roasted Peanuts
9 ozs Fruit (in season)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Coconut milkCoconutsugarPeanuts
Mix the cornflour with a few spoonfuls of milk. Put the rest of the milk into a pan with the coconut milk and sugar and bring to the boil. Whisk the mixed cornflour into the boiling milk and return to the boil. Then remove from the heat and leave to cool completely.
Stir the coconut into the mixture, then freeze in an ice cream maker. (Alternatively you can freeze the ice cream in a bowl in the freezer, in which case, whisk with a hand blender after about 2 hours, when the ice cream is almost set. )
To serve, scoop the coconut ice cream into small bowls. Roughly chop the peanuts and sprinkle over the ice cream. Serve with sliced fruit.
Ausgabe 02/24

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