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Sweet Cornmeal Dumplings

Sweet Cornmeal Dumplings

20 min., ready in 24 min.
Health Score:
71 / 100
1 cup milk
¼ cup butter
1 Tbsp sugar
½ Vanilla bean
½ cup wholemeal Durum wheat semolina (scant)
1 egg
2 cups Raspberries
1 cup Blackberry (heaped)
2 Tbsps powdered sugar
sliced almonds
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Put the milk, butter, sugar and scraped-out vanilla pulp into a pan and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat to a medium setting and stir in the semolina. Cook, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the cooked semolina comes away from the bottom of the pan. Stir in the egg and leave to cool.
Sort the berries, puree half, push through a sieve and sweeten with icing sugar.
Bring to the boil plenty of lightly salted water. Divide the semolina into 8 equal-sized pieces, flatten slightly and put one raspberry on each. Form into dumplings enclosing the raspberry. Drop into the simmering water and cook very gently for about 4 minutes. Lift out with a skimmer or slotted spoon and drain.
To serve, spread the berry puree on plates and scatter with the remaining whole berries. Lay the dumplings on top and sprinkle with flaked almonds and icing sugar.
Ausgabe 02/24

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