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Spooky Blueberry Bat Gummies

Spooky Blueberry Bat Gummies

15 min., ready in 3 h. 15 min.
2 cups Blueberry juice
6 sheets gelatin (white)
1 tube piping icing (red, blue, white)
In addition
4 sillicon or plastic bat-shaped Baking molds
Soak the gelatine in plenty of cold water.

Heat 3 ounces blueberry juice, squeeze out the gelatine and dissolve in the juice.

Stir into the rest of the juice and pour it into the molds (previously rinsed with cold water). Put into the refrigerator and leave to set for about 3 hours.

Dip the moulds briefly in hot water and turn out onto plates. Add dots of icing for eyes and serve.
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Blueberries are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. They are extremely healthy and contian many substances that promote a strong body. 

Even smarter

Even smarter

If you don't have bat mols, you can also make other shapes. 

Ausgabe 02/24

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