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Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Starter

(Basic Recipe)
30 min., ready in 3 d.
Health Score:
67 / 100
1 tsp honey
5 ozs Whole Grain Rye Flour
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Sourdough Starter preparation step 1

In a large bowl, mix 250 ml (approximately 1 cup) of warm water with the honey until the honey has dissolved.

Sourdough Starter preparation step 2

Stir in the rye flour with a wooden spoon until smooth. Cover the bowl and let stand in a warm place (at least 20°C) (at least approximately 68°F) for 3 days, stirring vigorously each morning and evening. 

Sourdough Starter preparation step 3

Let stand until the starter doubles in volume and fermentation bubbles are visible on the surface. Stirring vigorously allows the dough to collapse repeatedly to produce a dense dough. The starter will keep in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 1 week.

Nutritional values
1 gram contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie116 cal.(6 %)
Protein3 g(3 %)
Fat1 g(1 %)
Carbohydrates24 g(16 %)
Sugar added1 g(4 %)
Roughage5.5 g(18 %)
Healthy, because

Healthy, because

Today, as thousands of years ago, nothing loosens up heavy bread dough as healthily and effectively as the addition of sourdough. Here, pure nature is at work: Lactic acid bacteria ensure fermentation, which produces lactic and acetic acid, which then serve as a raising agent.

Even smarter

Even smarter

Sourdough works best next to the heater (at 20-25 °C); on the windowsill above the heater it quickly gets too warm. To bake, always take off only the amount needed, put the rest in a closed plastic bowl in the refrigerator (if you want to bake again in a few days) or freeze it.

Ausgabe 04/24

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