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Salmon and Spinach Roll

Salmon and Spinach Roll

35 min., ready in 1 hr 40 min.
200 grams Spinach
2 Tbsps butter
freshly ground peppers
3 Tbsps breadcrumbs
3 Tbsps Pesto
600 grams Salmon (skinless)
butter (for brushing)
1 bunch Soup vegetables (400 grams or 14 ounces)
1 onion
300 milliliters Whipped cream
120 grams Blue cheese
Spinach (for garnish)
Leeks (for garnish)
How healthy are the main ingredients?
SalmonWhipped creamSpinachsaltonionSpinach

Rinse spinach and remove stems. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a pan and add wet spinach. Stir and chop spinach as it cooks. Season with salt and pepper and mix with breadcrumbs and pesto. Remove from heat and let sit for 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200°C (approximately 400°F).


Rinse salmon and pat dry with paper towels. Thinly slice and lay out in a 20 cm (approximately 8 inch) square on a large piece of buttered aluminum foil. Spread spinach mixture onto salmon and roll up tightly using the foil. Tightly twist ends of aluminum foil. Bake for 25-30 minutes.


Meanwhile, rinse and chop soup vegetables. Peel and chop onion. Heat remaining butter in a saucepan and sauté onion and soup vegetables. Deglaze with cream, season with salt and pepper and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add cheese and stir until smooth. Pour sauce through a fine sieve and into a saucepan.


Remove salmon from oven, unwrap foil and slice. Arrange slices on plates, drizzle with sauce and serve garnished with spinach leaves and chives.

Ausgabe 03/24

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