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Salmon and Egg Salad Plate

Salmon and Egg Salad Plate

50 min.
4 ½ cups white Asparagus (trimmed and chopped)
1 ½ cups Snap pea
½ bunch scallions
11 ozs Salmon fillet
1 unwaxed lemon
3 cups mixed salad (lettuce, lollo rosso, radicchio... )
2 hard-boiled eggs
freshly ground peppers
3 Tbsps olive oil
How healthy are the main ingredients?
olive oilsaltlemonegg
Simmer the asparagus pieces in boiling, salted water for about 6-8 minutes. Drain, retaining the cooking water.
Wash and trim the mangetout and cook in boiling, salted water for about 4 minutes. Drain, refresh in cold water and drain thoroughly.
Cut the salmon into approximately 2 cm strips. Rinse the lemon in hot water, halve and slice one half. Squeeze the other half. Put the lemon slices into a pan, add asparagus water to a depth of 2 cm and bring to the boil. Add the salmon, turn off the heat, cover and leave to stand for about 8 minutes.
Wash and trim the spring onions and cut into rings at an angle. Shell and slice the eggs.
Wash the salad leaves, shake dry and break into smaller pieces. Make a bed of salad leaves on 4 plates. Mix the lemon juice with salt and pepper and stir in 2 tbsp of asparagus water and oil.
Arrange the other ingredients on top of the salad leaves, drizzling over the dressing.
Ausgabe 02/24

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