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Roast Pork

Roast Pork

1 hr 30 min.
Health Score:
65 / 100
1 ½ kilograms Pork shoulder (with rind)
1 tsp Caraway
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp course salt
2 onions
2 carrots
200 grams Celery root
400 grams Pork bone
2 Tbsps Lard
250 milliliters Beef broth
1 Tbsp Vinegar
500 milliliters Dark beer
How healthy are the main ingredients?
Carawaygarlic clovesaltonioncarrot

Carve pork rind in a diamond pattern so that pork does not get cut. Chop caraway seeds. Peel garlic and finely chop. Mix caraway seeds, garlic and salt in a bowl and rub mixtire over pork.


Peel onions and chop coarsely. Peel carrots and celery and coarsely chop. Heat lard in a roasting pan and fry pig bones briefly. Add onions, carrots and celery and fry briefly. Place pork rind-side down in the roasting pan. Stir broth with vinegar in a bowl and pour over pork.


Cook the meat in the oven at 200°C (approximately 400°F) for 30 minutes. Turn pork over and pour beer over top. Cook in the oven for another hour and occasionally baste with beer and roasting juices. Then increase the oven temperature to 250°C (approximately 475°F) and roast another 15-20 minutes until crispy.


Remove pork from the oven. Remove pork from the roasting pan and keep warm in the turned-off oven. Pour roasting juices through a fine sieve back into a pot or roasting pan and boil until liquids reduce a little. Cut pork roast into slices and serve with the sauce.


if desired, pork can be served with coleslaw and potatoes.

Nutritional values
1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie777 cal.(37 %)
Protein54 g(55 %)
Fat56 g(48 %)
Carbohydrates8 g(5 %)
Sugar added0 g(0 %)
Roughage3.2 g(11 %)
Ausgabe 04/24

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